So as you probably have gathered from some of my more lengthy posts, I enjoy writing. :) I still have a long way to go in developing this skill, but it has always been a way that I could express myself more effectively. I had wanted to start this blog for a while now and thanks to the encouragement of family and so many friends, I finally did and I'm glad to have taken that step. Over the last month or so, I'd been thinking about the idea of submitting writing to parenting blog sites, to see if anything would get published. This felt like a huge step and I went back and forth as to if I would actually do it.
I am well aware that our family situation is quite unique, but even with that, I still wondered if it was worth my time and effort to try and get something published. After all, there are so many family stories out there but with the encouragement of my awesome husband, I finally decided to give it a try. I actually found it fun, researching the many sites out there. They all have different styles and writing submission guidelines; it was interesting learning some about that world. So, with much uncertainty, a couple days before thanksgiving I sent in an article to the site called Scary Mommy. If you're a parent, you should check it out. It's style is very sarcastic and blunt and they tackle so many facets of parenting. Well, to my surprise and delight, I heard back about a week later, saying that they had accepted my article! It was published on the 1st and if you'd like to read it, you can find it Here.
I'll admit, until I actually saw it on their site, I had my doubts as to if this was actually going to happen. It is still so crazy to see my name there. I am hopeful that perhaps I can have other pieces published at Scary Mommy and elsewhere. I am working on a few things; it will be fun to see what comes of it. Thank you to everyone who reads and shares my blog, I really do appreciate it so much! There are so many amazing people who put their thoughts and stories out there; it means so much that you take the time to read mine. :)